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Hands Art Work


The Unitarian Fellowship for World Peace has created the “Hands Art Work” project where refugees from different parts of the globe gather to create artwork such as earring cards and necklaces. The newly formed group is working to raise money for a building fund in order to have space where more people can participate and create more crafts that in turn will be sold. Most of the proceeds will go directly to the artisans who created the crafts and the remaining portion will be allocated to sustain this project.


A project of the Unitarian Fellowship for World Peace


Hands Art Work is dedicated to provide a forum for refugees from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East to create crafts to earn a fair wage that will allow them to improve their quality of life and self esteem. Eighty percent of the proceeds go directly to the hands that created the crafts while twenty percent is dedicated to replenish materials needed for the continuation of this project


We believe that every human being should be treated with respect and understanding. Many of the artisans from Hands Art Work are in the process of learning English. The majority of the jobs available to them are low-skill low-paying jobs that keep families away from each other. We pledge to:

-Provide materials and a friendly environment for women to develop new skills as Artisans.

-Emphasize respect for diversity and foster a multi-cultural group where all can learn from each other.

-Allow women to earn a living while staying with their young children.

-Improve refugee’s self-esteem and cultivate a desire for peace and stability in their lives.

-Maintain a forum where families can work together to foster mutual respect.

-Provide a bridge for open communication with those from other cultures.


Women from the Dayton Rwandan Refugee Community and their children at the Missing Peace Art Space

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